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Sign up for FREE access to our online library of 100's of articles covering everything from emergency planning and evacuation all the way through your rebuild process and maintenance of your new home. We refer to this content as our Rallybacks.
Digital Rallybacks
Available on Amazon in hard and soft cover. These portable books provide a summarized complement to the large online library of digital Rallybacks across a variety of topics.
Pocket Books
FREE online glossaries covering thousands of terms you may come across during your rebuild. Topics cover insurance, finance, legal, construction and more.
Online Glossaries
1 - Early Steps
This first series covers everything you need to know and consider in the immediate aftermath of an incident.
Learn how to stay safe and get a head start on your recovery.
Our second series helps you tackle your rebuild with guidance for managing construction, inventories, and expenses.
Reduce your workload and maximize your recovery with our insights.
2 - Recovery
3 - Life 2.0
Welcome to Life 2.0! The final series will take you beyond your recovery with tips on protecting yourself in the future.
Harden your home to reduce the risk of incidents and get coverage you need.
Free Online Content Organized Into 3 Phases
The first responders are knocking on your door and you’ve got 5 minutes to evacuate. This quick pack job should contain essential items that you can pack in less than five minutes, ensuring you are prepared to evacuate swiftly.
Emergency Kit Fast Pack
Declarations Page
Financial Terms
One of the most important documents in your insurance policy is the Declarations Page. This detailed guide will walk you through the components of a typical Declarations Page and explain how to interpret each section.
It's important for you to be familiar with various banking terms that might come into play during the claims process. This guide will walk you through common banking / mortgage terms.
This article explores the role of general contractors in the rebuilding or repair process, provides practical advice on selecting and working with a contractor, and includes specific examples and relevant web links for further reading.
Role of a GC
Sporting Goods
Long Term Housing
This chapter outlines the steps for creating an inventory of your sporting equipment, and is similar in layout to our previous Chapters on Personal Property. The associated articles offer specific guidance on how to inventory sporting goods in various categories.
Long-term housing options, such as furnished apartments & corporate housing, offer a more stable and comfortable environment for extended stays. This article explores the essentials of securing and managing long-term housing when your home is uninhabitable due to extensive repairs or damage.
Defensible space is a critical buffer between your home and the surrounding vegetation that can help slow the spread of wildfires. This article guides you through the principles of defensible space and how to design and maintain it effectively.
Defensible Space
Air, Smoke & CO
Maintaining Your HVAC
This article explores essential information about improving indoor air quality, choosing the right detectors, and understanding proper placement and maintenance to ensure your home is both safe and healthy.
This article provides a comprehensive guide to maintaining your HVAC system, including tips for regular inspections, cleaning, and optimizing the performance of key components such as furnaces, air conditioners, filters, and thermostats.
Loti’s Recovery Roadmap provides a clear, step-by-step guide to navigate the often overwhelming process of rebuilding after a disaster. From securing temporary housing and filing insurance claims to managing contractors and avoiding scams, it empowers homeowners with actionable advice at every stage.
This is an example of one of our dozens of free Docs ready for download. Click here to see more:
At-A-Glance Recovery Roadmap
How to Read Your Dec Page
Your Declarations Page - or 'Dec Page' - provides a quick summary of your homeowner's policy coverage. This primer walks you through how to read it.
Depreciation Tables For Items
This depreciation table represents the default settings within our product suite for all Items (largely used in Personal Property).
Utility Checklist for Evacuation
This checklist provides a step-by-step guide to safely shutting off water, gas, and electricity in an emergency situation.
General Contractor Estimate Sample
This sample bid / estimate is one of a few we have available to outline how information may be organized when you receive a similar document from your contractor.
Emergency Planning and Evacuation Tips for Homeowners and Families
Be Ready: Emergency Planning & Evacuation
A Recovery Guide for Disaster Victims Covering Rentals, Initial Residence To Dos & Community Engagement
The Next Few Weeks
A Pocket-Sized Overview of Homeowners Policy Coverages, Endorsements, Perils and More
Understanding Your Insurance Policy
A Guide to Section II of Your Homeowners Insurance Policy
Liability & Medical To Others
Tips on Accessing Your Coverage for Loss of Use / Additional Living Expenses
Loss of Use (ALE) Coverage
Techniques to Protect Your Home and Reduce the Risk of Insurance Claims
Hardening Your Home